Let’s Do the Right Thing. Let’s be Open About Women’s Health.

Healthy habits are the best way to avoid disease, prolong your life and live more happily, however, with the pressures of trying to balance our work-life and home-life, women tend to put off their health needs and focus on others. This August, we focus on women, their health, and how it is important to take care of yourself.

As women, we are exposed to specific diseases while also been more prone to certain conditions such as:

Cervical Cancer:
1 in every 42 women has a lifetime risk of being diagnosed with Cervical Cancer, making it the second most common cancer amongst South African women and girls. Cervical Cancer usually develops from Human Papillomavirus (HPV) but can be treated if detected earlier before it develops into Cervical Cancer, other preventative measures include vaccination.

Endometrial Cancer:
This is a cancer of the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus) and this risk of endometrial cancer further increases as a woman gets older.

Colorectal Cancer:
1 in 116 females are at risk of being diagnosed with colorectal cancer according to the CANSA organisation. Most colorectal cancers start in the colon or the rectum. Some factors that increase colorectal cancer risk include being overweight or obese, physical inactivity, a diet high in red and processed meats, smoking, heavy alcohol use, being older, and a personal or family history of colorectal cancer or polyps.

According to an article released by the Regis College, depression and anxiety exhibit more frequently among female patients therefore, it is important for women to not bottle up their emotions and to rather speak about their feelings. Implementing a healthy lifestyle is also an important element for both our physical and mental wellbeing.

Women's Health
Lifestyle Changes

Did You Know?

People from the ages of 35 years and above can now register and get vaccinated for COVID-19. To register, access the EVDS portal by clicking here.

Educate yourself about the delta variant here.

Key Dates

1 – 7 August: Cancer Prevention Week

9 August: National Women’s Day

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