Taking Care of Your Mental Well-Being to Help Your Physical Well-Being

Being diagnosed with breast cancer and having treatment can bring about new complications and put pressure on your mental health. According to CANSA, breast cancer is the most common cancer amongst women.

Breast Cancer Stats

If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer, how can you help yourself?

If you are feeling anxious, stressed or depressed, the following things may help:

  • Spend time with people who make you feel good.
  • Relax and do things that you enjoy.
  • Learn to say no – you don’t need to take on activities that you don’t feel up to doing.
  • Limit your alcohol intake .
  • Try to exercise regularly. Regular exercise, such as walking, has been found to be helpful in preventing and treating mild and moderate depression.
  • Make use of your free AskNelson benefit to speak to our counsellors, they’re available 24/7 for your emotional support.

Although societal pressure to get everything back to normal is intense, breast cancer survivors need time to create a new self-image that incorporates both the experience and their changed bodies and as a family member, friend or loved one dealing with taking care of someone who has been diagnosed with cancer, it is also advised that you seek psychological help too.

Breast cancer self-exam tips

A self-exam for breast awareness is a safe way to become familiar with the normal look and feel of your breasts.

Before you begin breast self-exams it may be helpful to ask your doctor to first demonstrate, otherwise try these useful tips:

Breast Self Exam Tips
Overcome Anxiety
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