You Deserve to be Happy. Spark that Inner Joy and Self-Worth.
Suicide is tragic for individuals and the people who care about them.
Every September is dedicated to focusing on suicide prevention as it is a complex public health matter that is preventable when an individual gets the support they need.
According to Suicide Awareness Voices of Education (SAVE), there are several ways to prevent suicide from occurring such as:
- Have meaningful social connections.
- Identify your trigger points.
- Be aware of your triggering signs and seek help before you feel overwhelmed.
- Reach out and speak to counsellors such as our AskNelson team.
These factors are important, now more than ever during this COVID –19 pandemic. Researchers from the South African Journal of Psychology have proven that COVID-19 and the third wave has had a significant impact on mental health, whereas, pre COVID-19, mental health was treated as a peripheral and insignificant part of the health sector.
Now that more and more people are aware of mental health and there’s been a significant focus on ways to prevent suicide from occurring, what are the various measures we can take as a community to care for those who attempt suicide?
Remember it’s ok to ask for help.
Dates to Remember
6 – 11 September: Adult Learner’s Week
29 September: World Heart Day
10 September: World Suicide Prevention Day